google-site-verification=b3VCGWIbfnH8YMJv2FDOSUFIS-3SMl_oO4YIOIgA1_Q Diarrhea problem in children - बच्चों में दस्त की समस्या



Diarrhea problem in children - बच्चों में दस्त की समस्या

Diarrhea problem in children (बच्चों में दस्त 

की समस्या)

Diarrhea in children

Diarrhoea is a problem found in very young children in which children have thin diarrhoea and at least three or four times a day. Sometimes fever and vomiting also occur. In such a situation, there is a lack of water and nutritional elements in the children and there is a lot of weakness also. The children have to get admitted to the hospital. Newborns often have bowel movements. You should not be worried this is normal according to their age and frequent diarrhoea depends on that he drinks mother's milk or formula milk. Diarrhea occurs in children for many reasons like:

More hot water, contaminated food, lack of water, and the excessive feeding of milk to children many times also lead to diarrhea and if the milk is adulterated, the chances are increased. This possibility increases even when the teeth of young children start coming out, even then children get diarrhea. Many times children get a viral infection and this also causes diarrhea.

Treatment in infant diarrhea (शिशु के 

दस्त में उपचार):-

  • To avoid this, it is very important that there is no lack of water in the body of the baby, the ORS solution can also be given to meet water scarcity. Whenever the child vomits or diarrhea, give him a little ORS solution, it fulfills the lack of water in the body.
  • Coconut water can also be given to infants who eat solid food as it is in a rich source of electrolyte and can also give glucose and fruit juice to infants.
  • Infants who drink mother's milk are less likely to have diarrhea, so do not give any formula milk instead of the mother's milk for at least 6 months.
  • In diarrhea, drinking sugar, lemon juice, and salt in water provide relief to children. Apart from this, pulse water, rice gluten, curd, banana, light tea, give digestive food.
  • Vomiting or fever or the infant is not taking any fluids and if he is having frequent bowel movements and then contact the doctor immediately, the child has a lot of difficulty in this, he becomes very weak. Do not ignore it and go to the doctor immediately.
  • If the baby does not have diarrhea again, take care of vaccination, it takes till 5 years from childbirth. Vaccination takes place on 3 consecutive months, then 6 months, then 1 1/2 year, then two years then on 5 years.

So, keeping in mind all these reasons, we can save our children from diarrhea, do not keep any dirt around, keep washing the hands and feet of infants continuously, as well as wash your hands before feeding them. Feeding of mother's milk children will prevent infection. Do not keep children too much in pampers because it runs the risk of spreads the injection. Only by keeping these things in mind, we can keep our baby healthy, hope that you have liked this article and that the information we want to give to you in it will surely reach you.

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